10 jaar geleden heeft Rachel Pietersma haar bedrijf opgestart. Voor Rachel is niks te gek en tovert zij ieder kinderfeest om in een droom. In 2019 is Rachel lid geworden van MASTERS member en vertelt zij in dit interview meer over haar bedrijf en geeft ze netwerk...
Need a babysitter for the children last minute?High-End Nanny Service has the solution for parents who often have to work overtime, who want to be able to work quietly at home or who are short on time for a nice day out in the weekends or holidays: the Home Nanny...
Need a helping hand while traveling? Our nannies ensure that your son or daughter is safely transported from A to B. Our nannies bring and pick up the children from the airport by car, and can also fly with them. From transport and car to airlines tickets, everything...
Our nannies ensure that all children are optimally entertained during kids parties, events, corporate parties and outings. The nannies also take care of the safety, wich is our number one priority. All entertainment is supervised. This way, the parents can enjoy...
The High-End Nanny Service offers you reliable and multilingual 24/7 nanny services and is associate of over eighty hotels in Amsterdam. Our nannies also work for corporate companies and airlines. In this way we offer you a total package to take care of the little...
Het ultieme vermaak op de werkvloer: een Mobiele Kids Corner! Personeel en ouders hebben er geen omkijk naar, en de kinderen worden onder begeleiding van de beste nanny’s vermaakt. Ideaal!